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become a member

The Banner Creek Science Center, a 501 (c)(3) organization, relies on membership dues and donations to sustain the facility.  Your annual membership dues and donations make it possible for BCSC to stay open by helping to cover the cost of utilities, maintenance, and insurance. In addition, dues help to provide local stargazing and STEM activities for all ages.  BCSC is legally incorporated as Banner Creek Science Center, Inc., a 501(c)3 entity, tax ID #20-4213077.


We hope you will become a member of Banner Creek Science Center today!


Annual Membership Categories:


  • Individual  $20

  • Family $25

  • Supporter $30

  • Booster $50

  • Benefactor $100


Name: _________________________________________________


Address: ________________________________


City: ________________________.         State: __________________.    Zip: ____________________


Email: __________________________________________




Volunteer Opportunities (mark all in which you would be interested):


_____ Staffing Open Houses


_____ Conducting STEM programs (specify): ___________________________________


_____ Assisting in Observing Sessions (must have knowledge of the stars or be willing to learn)


_____ Helping with Fundraisers


_____ Donating Items (water, paper goods, cleaning supplies, etc.)



Email us membership inquiries or download a blank membership form.


Please complete, print, and mail the form (with your check - payable to Banner Creek Science Center) to:


Banner Creek Science Center Membership
22275 N Road
Holton, KS 66436


All memberships include an emailed biannual newsletter highlighting events an information about the science center and its offerings.  Payment of membership dues to a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization is deductible as a charitable contribution.  Make checks payable to Banner Creek Science Center. 









- OR -


Email the completed form to our Membership Chairman after purchasing your subscription via the PayPal links above. Membership materials will be mailed to your home address when the PayPal transaction is completed and the membership form is received.

Buy with PayPal

Copyright 2020 Banner Creek Science Center, Inc.



Join our mailing list for updates from BCSCO!

*BCSCO is legally incorporated as Banner Creek Science Center, Inc.,

a 501(c)3 entity, tax ID #  20-4213077.

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